Ha Noi find solutions to develop agricultural and rural tourism

Phù Đổng Green Park

On 11th July, Ha Noi Department of Tourism organized a scientific seminar to assess the current situation of agricultural and rural tourism development in the city.

With a large suburban area, Ha Noi has the potential to develop agricultural and rural tourism. The city issued Plan No. 73/KH-UBND dated March 4, 2022 on the economic development of agricultural and rural tourism in association with the construction of new rural areas in Ha Noi, period of 2022- 2025.

After that, the departments and localities had programs and activities to integrate the content of agricultural and rural economic development in association with new rural construction.

Currently, Ha Noi has two OCOP products for rural tourism including Hong Van village tourist site (Hong Van commune, Thuong Tin district) and Phu Dong Green Park ecological area (Phu Dong commune, Gia Lam district).

In addition, Ha Noi city’s People’s Committee has also recognized 7 tourist attractions in the suburbs, associated with agricultural, rural, craft villages, and ecological tourism. They are Duong Xa commune tourist site, Phu Dong tourist site (Gia Lam district); Thuy Ung comb horn village tourist attraction, Van Diem high-class carpentry village tourist site (Thuong Tin district); Dai Ang tourist site, Yen My touristsite (Thanh Tri district); Long Ho village touristsite (Kim Son commune, Son Tay town).

However, developing agricultural and rural tourism in Ha Noi still faces many difficulties and limitations. Models are still spontaneous, copying each other. Some tourist attractions have not yet cooperated with each other. Land management mechanism for agriculture and rural areas is still inadequate.

At the seminar, experts proposed solutions to develop agricultural and rural tourism in Ha Noi to attract tourists. That is necessary to link agricultural experience tourism with craft village activities. The city should have a policy on rural human resources, focusing on job change orientation for the young generation in localities to participate in economic activities; connecting the tourism and education sectors to promote experiential school tourism in rural areas, creating a stable source of visitors for agricultural tourist destinations.

Tourism Information Technology Center

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