Gia Lai: Kbang District to built a rural tourism model in Stor village


(TITC) – The People’s Committee of Kbang District (Gia Lai Province) issued a plan to develop the rural tourism model in Stor Village (To Tung Commune) in new rural construction programme for the period 2023-2025.

Cadres, Party members, civil servants, and employees of the Emulation Block of Provincial Party agencies visit the Hero Nup Memorial House (To Tung commune) (Photo: Gia Lai Online)

Accordingly, relevant sectors in the district and the People’s Committee of To Tung commune will organise surveys, selection and support to form and develop typical agricultural tourism products, such as: Visit and experience shifting cultivation with indigenous crops: Muong Hoong rice, moina, locust, wild vegetables… collecting and processing wild bamboo shoots, harvesting wild honey… according to the tradition of the Bahnar people. Support entities to develop unique products to participate in evaluating and certifying OCOP products, as a place to visit and experience for tourists. Restore traditional occupations and festivals of the Bahnar people. Embellish and upgrade Stor village’s cultural communal house; Support the construction of 5 homestays here to serve the accommodation demands of tourists… At the same time, combine the construction of rural tourism with developing the value of the historical and cultural relics of Stor Resistance Village and Hero Nup Memorial House.

The construction of a rural tourism model in Stor village aims to concretize the Plan of the People’s Committee of Gia Lai Province on “Implementing the rural tourism development program in building new rural areas in Gia Lai Province in the period 2023-2025” and of Kbang District Party Committee, on attracting investment to develop various types of tourism associated with service development in order to develop and promote the potential and advantages of tourism in the district. Attract social resources and active participation from the community to invest in construction and develop advantageous tourism products and services; contributing to rural economic restructuring, creating on-site jobs, increasing income for rural workers, effectively and sustainably implementing new rural criteria in the locality, and generally contributing to development socio-economic situation of Kbang district in particular and Gia Lai province in general.

Tourism Information Technology Center

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