Thua Thien Hue develops community-based tourism associated with new rural construction


Ngu My Thanh village (in Quang Loi Commune, Quang Dien District) is located close to Tam Giang lagoon, and it is far from the Hue City only about 15km with quite convenient transportation.

Tam Giang lagoon system through Quang Dien District has many advantages to develop eco-tourism. Coming here, in addition to soaking in the cool water, taking a boat to admire the lagoon at night or early in the morning, visitors also can experience “a day of being a farmer, a fisherman” and enjoying rustic seafood dishes.

Currently, some fishermen in Ngu My Thanh Village become “tour guides” introducing the landscape, using boats to take tourists to visit the lagoon and mangroves. The fishing industry also has a good output when tourists prefer fresh aquatic species in the lagoon. Therefore, contributing to increase income and improve the life of fishermen.

In May 2023, Ngu My Thanh tourism model was recognized by Thua Thien Hue Provincial People’s Committee as a community tourist site of the province. Now, the province has a plan to build a pilot model of “Community tourism associated with new rural construction in Ngu My Thanh village”.

According to the plan, the province will develop an overall design, landscape model of rural tourism, support people and communities to form tourism products. Fishermen and local officials are supported to improve the capacity and skills for agricultural and rural tourism, contributing to improving the quality of tourism services.

Agricultural and rural tourism models must put the community as the center, the foundation for organizing products, improving the quality of tourism services, and creating spillovers for local economic development.

After the model of Ngu My Thanh Village, Thua Thien Hue expands in other community-based tourist attractions associated with building new rural areas in the province.

Tourism Information Technology Center

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