Thai Nguyen has 6 recognized community tourist attractions

Thai Hai Ecological Ethnic Stilt House Reservation Tourism site (Thinh Duc Commune, Thai Nguyen City) is honored to be the only representative of Southeast Asia to receive the award “Best Tourist Village” in 2022 by the Organization World Tourism (UNWTO).

To achieve this goal, one of the important solutions Thai Nguyen province implements is to focus on building a model of community, agricultural tourism associated with tea culture; diversify tourism products and services, complete tourism infrastructure; develop types of cultural, spiritual, and source-based tourism based on available relics, relics, and heritage sites. According to the plan, the province strives to complete and support 5 selected sites by 2025 to build a key model for community tourism development.

Tourists experience at Tan Cuong Commune Community Tourism Site (Thai Nguyen City)

Up to now, there have been 6 community tourism sites recognized by Thai Nguyen Provincial People’s Committee including: Thai Hai Ecological Ethnic Stilt House Reservation Tourism site (Thinh Duc Commune, Thai Nguyen City) associated with Tay ethnic cultural characteristics, honored to be the only representative of Southeast Asia to receive the award of “Best Tourist Village” in 2022 by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO); Quyen Village Ethnic Cultural Village tourism site (Diem Mac commune, Dinh Hoa district) associated with the special national relic of Dinh Hoa safety zone; Mo Ga village community tourism site (Vo Nhai) with activities to visit and experience Mo Ga communal house, traditional stilt houses, fruit orchards, handmade knitting, pounding day cakes and traditional folk games system; Community tourism site in Tan Cuong commune (Thai Nguyen city) associated with the famous specialty tea region of the province; Ghenh Che community tourism site (Binh Son commune, Song Cong city) is managed by the Ghenh Che – Binh Son – Song Cong Community Tourism Cooperative in association with the scenic Ghenh Che lake and Ba Van historical relic and traditional craft villages.

Kem Stream – one of the places that attracts tourists to the Community Tourism Site of Tan Son hamlet, La Bang commune (Dai Tu District).

Most recently, the Provincial People’s Committee issued Decision No. 1866/QD-UBND on the recognition of the community tourism spot in Tan Son village, La Bang commune (Dai Tu) organized by Kem La Bang Community Tourism Cooperative. Participating in providing services at Tan Son Village Community Tourism Site are households and individuals in the hamlet. Tourism products are formed on the basis of exploiting the strengths of the natural landscape, tea hills and a system of streams and waterfalls along the eastern slopes of the Tam Dao range along with that are the traditional cultural values of the local ethnic people.

Tran Nhung

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