Regulation on policies to support community-based tourism development in Bac Giang province in 2023 – 2030 period

Community tourism sites approved by the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for the period of 2023-2030 will enjoy support policies. Illustrative photo.

Subjects of application are households and individuals (collectively referred to as community tourism business individuals); cooperatives, cooperative groups (collectively referred to as community tourism business organizations); agencies and units related to the implementation of policies in this Resolution.

Organizations and individuals doing community tourism business that want to be supported must meet the following conditions: Having a written commitment to conduct tourism business for 07 years or more from the time of receiving the support; being community tourism sites approved by the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for the period of 2023-2030.

Principles of support ensure publicity and transparency in terms of content, target audience, level of support and implementation results. In case organizations and individuals invest in many different items, they are entitled to support policies according to each investment item. Items that have been supported from other programs and projects are not supported under this Resolution. Each item is supported only once for each community tourist destination and only for investment items after this Resolution takes effect.

Accordingly, the detailed planning of 1/500 community tourist sites for the People’s Committee of the district where the community tourist site is located is supported. The level of support is 70% of the actual cost, up to a maximum of 2 billion VND/site, the rest of the funding is covered by the district budget.

The building of physical facilities of community tourist spots is supported: Support to invest in building guest houses, display tourism products, agricultural and rural products; support level of 500 million VND/house, no more than 3 houses/site. Support the construction of public toilets at community tourist sites; support level of 100 million VND/house, no more than 3 houses/site. Support to build internal roads in the area of community tourist attractions; support level of 800 million VND/km, no more than 2 billion VND/site. Support to build parking lots at community tourist spots; support level of 100 million VND/parking lot, no more than 2 parking lots/site.

Support to buy or build boats and trams to transport tourists, support level of 70% of the budget. For boat support, the maximum is not more than 1.5 billion VND/boat, no more than 2 boats/site. The maximum support for electric vehicles is not more than 200 million VND/tram, no more than 5 electric vehicles/site.

This Resolution takes effect from August 1, 2023 to the end of December 31, 2030.

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