Supporting the development of craft village tourism in association with new rural development in Phu Xuyen district

Speaking at the opening of the conference, Deputy Chief of Office of the Hanoi Department of Tourism Mr. Bui Duc Thuan said that Hanoi approved 43 craft villages and recognized 112 historical relics in Phu Xuyen such as: Museum of Revolutionary Soldiers in Nam Trieu commune, Rang Pagoda in Quang Lang commune, Da Chat Village Communal House, To He making in Xuan La; lacquered mussels in Chuyen My commune; knitting grass in Phu Tuc commune; leather shoes in Phu Yen commune; sewing suits in Van Tu commune; carpentry in the communes of Tan Dan, Nam Tien…

In addition, the district also has specialized agricultural areas with great potential for developing experience tourism, opening a new direction for the region.

Phu Yen commune has a long tradition of making leather shoes. The commune has 3 villages that have been recognized as traditional footwear villages, including: Gie Thuong, Gie Ha and Thuong Yen.

At the training course, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Hong Long, Dean of Faculty of Tourism (University of Social Sciences and Humanities) gave insights on service and communication skills to tourists. He particularly emphasized smiles, friendliness and attentive customer care attitude.

The training course on civilized behavior in tourism, craft village tourism and community tourism for residents in 2023 in Phu Yen commune, Phu Xuyen district was held to introduce the benefits of tourism, exchange information about tourism product development, communication skills for people, sellers, and service providers at tourist spots with the goal of promoting the development of traditional craft village tourism associated with new rural development.

Tourism Information Technology Center

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