Preserving natural and cultural values to turn Moc Chau into a national tourist area

Receiving and working with the delegation were Ms. Trang Thi Xuan, Member of the Standing Committee of the Son La Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; Management Board of Moc Chau Tourist Area; representatives of some departments and branches of the province and leaders of the People’s Committee of Moc Chau district.

The research trip was conducted according to the conclusion of the VNAT’s Chairman Nguyen Trung Khanh at the meeting with Son La province on 4th April 2023. Accordingly, Chairman agreed with the proposal of the province on supporting the preparation of application document for recognition of Moc Chau National Tourist Area.

The VNAT’s delegation visited Long Sap international border gate, Moc Chau Island tourist area, Dai Yem waterfall, accommodations and restaurants in Moc Chau district.

Evaluating the tourist sites, Mr. Ha Van Sieu said that Moc Chau’s tourist attractions still preserve their natural and pristine beauty. That is very necessary and important to develop sustainable tourism in the future.

Vice Chairman asked Moc Chau district to develop tourism in association with nature conservation, preserving natural landscapes and indigenous traditional cultural values. It is necessary to strengthen the attraction of investment in infrastructure, attract businesses to develop quality tourism products, and improve the quality of local human resources.

Tourism Information Technology Center

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