Khanh Hoa: Khanh Son toward becoming ecological micropolitan area

Implementing the Politburo’s Resolution No. 09 on the construction and development of Khanh Hoa Province till 2030 with a vision till 2045, the locality is urgently taking steps to make a planning of Khanh Son District till 2030, with a vision till 2050. In the future, Khanh Son will turn into an ecological micropolitan area with unique cultural values. 
Steps being taken to make the planning


According to the Resolution No. 09, the provincial planning requires appropriate urban space associated with the specific strengths of each region. Particularly, Khanh Son is oriented to become an urban eco-tourism destination associated with ecological mountain and forest values.

The socio-economics of this mountainous district where there are many ethnic minorities is expected to develop rapidly and sustainably linked with promoting cultural values of indigenous resources, ensuring security, ecological environment, water source security and national solidarity. This orientation is also specified in the provincial planning for the period 2021 – 2030, with a vision to 2050 approved by the Prime Minister.

A corner of To Hap Town

According to Nguyen Quoc Dong, Vice-Chairman of Khanh Son District People’s Committee, the Provincial People’s Committee has approved the development planning of Khanh Son District until 2030, vision to 2050 covering 33,853ha in total with 8 administrative units, including To Hap Town and 7 communes, namely Thanh Son, Son Lam, Son Binh, Son Hiep, Son Trung, Ba Cum Bac and Ba Cum Nam. The locality is urgently taking steps to complete and submit the planning to the Provincial People’s Committee for approval.

Towards turning into an eco-tourism area 

Accordingly, Khanh Son is oriented to be an eco-tourism destination with To Hap Town as a tour and accommodation service center. The local urban system will develop harmoniously, combining existing and new development areas in Son Lam, Son Binh, Ba Cum Bac, Ba Cum Nam… with improved infrastructures.

In addition, the district’s urban system will develop according to the ecological forest model on the basis of forming an environmentally friendly urban area, creating green belts and green infrastructures to gradually turn Khanh Son into a unique destination of the province with high ecological and cultural values; a mountain tourism center with a focus on exploiting local culture and heritage of Khanh Son stone music and gong culture.

According to Nguyen Quoc Dong, based on actual conditions and development potentials, the district will specifically propose a model and structure for development; locations and scales of areas under urban development, rural residential areas, and functional areas in accordance with development orientation; the provincial planning and technical and specialized planning; identify and propose priority programs and projects for investment in technical and social infrastructures; environmental protection, etc.

According to lthe ocal authority, by 2030, Khanh Son is estimated to have a population of about 48,000 with an urbanization rate of about 21.9%, and about 1,000 – 3,000ha of land for construction. By 2040, the population will reach 65,000 with an urbanization rate of about 26.8%, and about 3,000 – 5,000ha for construction. By 2050, the population will be about 90,000 with an urbanization rate of about 34%, and 5,000 – 7,000 ha for construction.


Translated by N.T

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