First tourist village of the Mekong Delta receives OCOP product certificate

On 16th November 2023, the Council for Evaluation and Ranking One Commune One Product (OCOP) of Can Tho city held the first meeting. Accordingly, Can Tho has My Khanh Tourist Village (Phong Dien District) received the highest score from the Council with 87.7 points and is ranked as a 4-star OCOP product. This is the first tourism product in Can Tho and also the first in the Mekong Delta to be ranked as an OCOP product.

My Khanh tourist village has been established for more than 20 years. From about 1 hectare, the village expanded to more than 30 hectares including entertainment areas (pig racing, dog racing,…), craft villages with folk cake artists serving guests, cool house services, fruit gardens… It is also a connection point for many local OCOP products to tourists.

“The local government highly encourages the development of OCOP products associated with local characteristics. And My Khanh Tourist Village meets that. This place develops various types of services associated with the famous fruit capital of Can Tho – Phong Dien district. An eco-tourism product that fits very well with the criteria of OCOP products, contributing to local economic development and Phong Dien eco-tourism development,” Mr. Nguyen Van Thang, Vice President Chairman of Phong Dien District People’s Committee evaluated.

OCOP 4-star certification for My Khanh Tourist Village with the responsibility of a business in supporting the community and people to develop agricultural products. From there, creating more prestige and trust of tourists with My Khanh Tourist Village.

In the coming time, the village will continue to maintain the direction of ecotourism development and take advantage of local strengths with the goal of “attaining” OCOP 5 stars.

This time, the Council evaluated and ranked 12 OCOP products of Binh Thuy, Ninh Kieu and Phong Dien districts, including Ut Dzach hammock face cake, Lo Ren star apple, Bo Hong star apple, My Tourist Village Khanh, Fungi cordyceps, Fungi cordyceps wine, Fungi freeze-dried melon, Fungi dried durian, Fungi dried yogurt, Phung Hoang bird’s nest, Quy Phi bird’s nest, bird’s nest steamed with rock sugar.

To date, Can Tho city has 117 OCOP products with 3-4 stars.

Tourism Information Technology Center

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