Dong Thap added 02 sites of agro-tourism and community tourism

Those are Hoang Hao Garden Ecotourism Site (An Hoa Commune, Tam Nong District) and Tan Thuan Dong Community Tourism Site (Tan Thuan Dong Commune, Cao Lanh City), which have just been approved by the Provincial People’s Committee.

Dong Thap added 02 sites of agro-tourism and community tourism

Hoang Hao Garden Ecotourism Site, with an area of ​​6,000 m2, is organizing ecotourism activities including: fruit gardens sightseeing, food services, experiencing pearl picking services, event organization and camping.

The total number of employees participating in tourism activities is 24 people. Time to put into operation from March 2023. The establishment has been granted a certificate of business conditions, food safety and hygiene and is making a dossier for recognition of a qualified catering establishment.

Tan Thuan Dong community tourism site, with an area of ​​15,000 m2, is implementing the model of Community Tourism Village (country market). It is expected that in the near future, households will be linked to fruit gardens sightseeing, experience services of handicraft villages associated with promoting the value of the national intangible culture (Singing club of Southern folk song).

By Nguyet Anh

Translated by Giang Nguyen

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