Developing the potential from agricultural and rural tourism

(TITC) – At the online conference with the topic “Issues raised in starting a business in agricultural tourism and rural tourism”, organised by Today’s Rural Newspaper/Dan Viet in coordination with the Department of Market Development and Science and Technology Enterprises (Ministry of Science and Technology), the delegates all assessed that agricultural and rural tourism has great potential for development, contributing to creating sustainable livelihoods for farmers.

Journalist Nguyen Van Hoai, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Today’s Rural Newspaper said, the conference was organised with the purpose of creating a forum for managers, experts, and young startups to promote startups in agricultural and rural tourism.

Journalist Nguyen Van Hoai emphasised, the Party, State and ministries, departments and branches are fascinated with developing agricultural tourism and rural tourism and have issued many mechanisms and policies to develop tourism in this field. The Government also has a rural tourism development programme in new rural construction for the period 2021 – 2025. Vietnam with 7 ecological regions, tropical agriculture with many rich products, has enormous potential to develop agricultural tourism and rural tourism.


According to Expert Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuc, Director of Bagico Joint Stock Company, in Vietnam, rural tourism has a lot of potential to exploit. Vietnam’s tourism resources are enormous, typically the terraced rice fields that have become treasures with famous traditional cultural values for many years without much investment, or coastal areas, coconut growing areas, rice growing areas from north to south…

The agricultural industry has a long history of development. When people know how to exploit that potential in conjunction with tourism, this will be an extremely potential industry. However, it is necessary to find truly suitable solutions to combine these two fields, in which special attention should be paid to the practical experiences and contributions of those who are doing agricultural tourism.

Sharing this opinion, Dr. Nguyen Tat Thang, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Language Tourism, Vietnam Academy of Agriculture, said that Vietnam has its own socio-economic characteristics and its own products are affluent. In particular, agricultural tourism is the industry that effectively increases the value of agricultural products, helps farmers live happily and healthily, and increases income from their own products. Therefore, the tourism and foreign language industry has been developed and trained by the Vietnam Academy of Agriculture with extremely diverse skills, from learning foreign languages, marketing to skills in organising tours, routes, destinations…, attracts young people who are passionate about agriculture and science.

In addition, experts, delegates, and guests also shared their own experiences, and contributed and proposed solutions, tasks, and orientations for agritourism startups, countryside…

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