Lao Cai organises Tai Nung Pear Harvest Festival 2023


(TITC) – On 28th June, the Peopleā€™s Committee of Bat Xat District, Lao Cai Province organised the Tai Nung Pear harvest experience Festival in Nam Phung Commune. This was an event in the series of activities of the Bat Xat District Autumn Festival in 2023. With the unique cultural space of ethnic groups, tourists experienced the hospitality of people here.

Experience pear picking with a Dao girl (Photo:


Activities at the Festival were devoted to promoting VH6 Pear products that meet OCOP standards to a large number of tourists inside and outside the province. This was an opportunity to meet, interact, exchange products, and learn experiences between ethnic farmers and consumers, businesses, scientists, and experts to cooperate, exchange information, transfer of new science and technology, high-tech; build and develop OCOP products, develop traditional ethnic products. Diversify tourism products to meet the increasing demands of tourists; create unique tourism products of the Bat Xat District Autumn Festival in 2023. At the same time, add up the determination of the Dao and Ha Nhi people in Nam Pung about the economic value of this poverty eradication plant.

Many interesting and exciting activities took place with the highlight of visiting the pear gardens at an altitude of more than 1,000m above sea level, with cool climate all year round, of the Dao, Ha Nhi, Giay ethnic minorities during the ripe pear picking season in Kin Chu Phin 2 village, capital of the Tai Nung-VH6 pear region of Bat Xat District and Lao Cai Province.


Besides, visitors had an opportunity to explore, enjoy the cultural identity of indigenous ethnic people; Visit the booth displaying OCOP products of Tai Nung pears and local agricultural products; Experience harvesting pears and enjoy ripe pears in the gardenā€¦

Tai Nung pear specialty (Photo:

Currently, in Nam Pung Commune, there are about 170 hectares of Tai Nung-VH6 pears planted and nurtured according to technical procedures, canopy creation and landscaping to combine fruit harvesting and agricultural tourism.

Bat Xat District currently has nearly 300 hectares of Tai Nung-VH6 pears in the communes of Nam Pung, Y Ty, Pa Cheo, A Lu, Den Sang, of which about 130 hectares are being harvested, with a total output of more than 1,000 tons of fruit.

According to Ms. Ban Thanh Thao – Vice Chairwoman of the Peopleā€™s Committee of Bat Xat District, the Pear Festival will offer tons of exciting experiences. Thereby, promoting the image of Bat Xat District tourism to both domestic and international tourists; attracting organisations, businesses and individuals to invest and participate in service business and tourism activities in the local area, and becoming an attractive destination for domestic and international tourists.

Tourism Information Technology Center

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