Thua Thien Hue: Building Thuy Bieu’s tourism brand name

Tourists visiting a Thanh Tra Pomelo Garden in Thuy Bieu. Photo: H. Phuong 

A land with numerous potentials

Thuy Bieu is a land still maintaining the vintage beauty of ancient villages in the heart of the increasingly modernizing Hue city. Local people’s income is still mainly on agriculture, with thanh tra pomelo and rice cultivation.

The precious feature of Thuy Bieu comes from the village landscape, still bold of the greenery of trees. The whole land is surrounded by the poetic Perfume River, so Thuy Bieu’s soul is truly poetic, immersed in nature, with a slow lifestyle.

Over the last 10 years, those values have been developed into typical tourism products and services that are hard to find elsewhere. Up to now, Thuy Bieu has had two luxury resorts and numerous homestays that attract both domestic and foreign tourists.

The experience images of visitors bring about a variety of unique features of the countryside garden land, such as walking around the narrow roads with ‘fence-tea’ bushes, Thanh Tra pomelo gardens, and rice fields; having boat trips to enjoy well-known attractions along the two banks of the Perfume River; discovering cultural values and ancient garden architecture; enjoying thanh tra pomelo and rustic dishes.

In the context that Hue city is approaching to become a city under the management of the Central Government, the localities of the city including Thuy Bieu ward are indispensable components, needing to contribute their strength to that great task.

Thuy Bieu needs to make full use of the human resources and the natural resources endowed by nature for the socio-economic development of the locality, which is a typical highlight of Hue City. With the overall development orientation of Hue city, Thuy Bieu ward with its potential needs to orient this ward as “a clean vegetable and fruit garden of Hue city”.

Rural tourism development

Coming to Thuy Bieu, it is totally trustworthy for visitors to enjoy clean and diverse fruits picked from the garden, and healthy green vegetable gardens from the water source of the Perfume River. Thuy Bieu garden houses have several sightseeing places for tourists to learn about cultural and architectural values; besides, there are places serving coffee, restaurants, exhibitions, music, etc. Especially, tourists could also admire the garden architecture diversified through the hands of landscape architects to form unique garden houses.

In terms of cuisine, visitors can fully enjoy the homegrown flavor of the countryside. Regarding the experience of rural space, visitors can quietly admire the beautiful nature on both sides of the Perfume River, the fragrant rice fields of the countryside, the fragrant Thanh Tra flowers, and the whispering bamboo groves.

From the above fact, it can be seen that building a countryside tourism brand name in Thuy Bieu is highly feasible, in line with the ward’s own advantages. Tourism with the participation of a large number of people from developing agricultural products to serving tourism would create a tourism culture for the locality.

The great value of countryside tourism for the benefit of Hue City’s citizens is to enjoy clean food, improve health, experience nature, and improve the spirit, which is a great human value. Also, Thuy Bieu local people could have more livelihoods, more diverse career choices, and a fresher life.

The conclusion of the Standing Committee of Hue City Party Committee on April 6, 2023, on the development of the project called “the development of eco-tourism and unique community in Hue City” has also identified the key tasks of Hue City in the coming time. Among these, Thuy Bieu is promoting natural strengths to develop tourism.

For the project to be effective, it is necessary to have solutions to three key problems. Firstly, that is to diversify products and services associated with Thuy Bieu’s advantages, meeting the needs of the Hue market, especially fresh fruits and vegetables as well as accompanying experience service. Secondly, it is also vital to develop tourism to diversify people’s livelihoods, forming a complementary pair of agriculture and tourism. Thirdly, supporting policies to encourage people to participate in tourism and agricultural development should be soon promulgated.

By Nguyen Quoc An
Hue News –

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