Thai Nguyen province: Dai Tu – Opening the direction of tourism development from tea region planning

Cau Da tea hill, Hoang Nong commune is an unmissable destination when visiting Dai Tu

With over 90% of the population in the district participating in tea production, processing and trading, for the past years, the development of tea plants has received special attention of the province and the district. This is a key crop for economic development and prosperity of the local population. Many guidelines and policies to support, encourage and promote the development of tea plants and tea products have been deployed by the district to tea cooperatives, producers, processors and traders. As a result, the current total hybrid tea area in the entire district is 5,300 ha, accounting for over 80% of the total area. The area of tea cultivated following VietGAP standards is 1,836 ha, with 1,636 ha certified to meet VietGAP standards. The organic tea area spans 15 ha, and the total area with efficient irrigation system covers 1,548 ha.

To achieve the objective of reaching a total tea output of 82,000 tons and a tea production value of VND 2,230 billion by 2030, aiming for a product value of VND 400 million per hectare of tea cultivation, Dai Tu has introduced several measures to foster tea cultivation. Among these measures is the coordination to conduct surveying and zoning for production, planning concentrated tea areas that align with soil conditions, climate, and the developmental potential of each region. This concentrated effort aims to allocate resources effectively, enhance the value of tea plants, and unleash the existing potential of each region, emphasizing attention and focus on these aspects.

With nearly 5,000 ha of tea in 17 communes and towns, Dai Tu has planned 5 concentrated production regions. In particular, the district has made a detailed planning of concentrated tea production regions associated with ecotourism and experiential tourism in Phu Xuyen, Hoang Nong, La Bang and Tan Linh communes with an area of more than 230 ha.

According to Mr. Trieu Ho Quang, Head of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in Dai Tu district: The detailed planning of tea production regions associated with ecotourism and experiential tourism will help develop rural community tourism associated with tea culture, help improve livelihoods, create jobs,  improve incomes and quality of life for people, thereby helping raise the awareness of building a cultural environment, civilized and clean landscapes, improving the quality of life, restoring and preserving national cultural identity, creating differences to attract and introduce to tourists. The planning of these tourist attractions also promotes the unique values of soil and climate that nature bestows on the eastern slope of Tam Dao mountain range.

According to Mr. Nguyen Anh Tan, Chairman of Hoang Nong Commune People’s Committee: This planning creates favorable conditions for the state management of land and at the same time attracts investment sources for development. The detailed planning of tea production regions associated with tourism will help increase the value of tea products, help local people improve their income from tea production, tourism service business in the locality, create conditions for socio-economic development, improve people’s incomes, making contribution to fulfilling the objective of building Hoang Nong commune into an enhanced new rural commune by 2023 and a model new rural commune by 2025.

Those who has been to Hoang Nong, La Bang, Tan Linh…and visited the tea hills at the foot of Tam Dao mountain range are captivated by the beauty of this land. The combination of the natural landscape with the industrious and skillful hands of local residents has created picturesque and poetic scenery. Therefore, the planning of tea regions associated with the development of experiential eco-tourism in this area has opened up new opportunities to develop local tourism.

To turn the planning into reality, Dai Tu district has launched 6 key tasks and has been gradually realizing the tasks. Accordingly, the district focuses on mobilizing capital to support organizations and individuals involved in tea production, processing, trading and consumption of tea products. Simultaneously, there’s an emphasis on guiding the application of safety processes in production, expanding and enhancing the certified VietGAP, organic tea areas, and developing OCOP-certified tea products. Mr. Trieu Ho Quang, Head of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Dai Tu District added: The district will continue to support to create high-quality tea products, ensure food safety, meet market requirements, towards product origin transparency. The building of chains of cooperation and links between enterprises, cooperatives and farmers in tea production and processing are encouraged and supported. These will be the foundation for developing Dai Tu tea brand, making contribution to attracting tourists.

Hoang Nong is one of the communes subject to the detailed planning by Dai Tu district for concentrated tea production regions associated with ecotourism and experiential tourism

Mr. Nguyen Anh Tan, Chairman of Hoang Nong Commune People’s Committee said: The Commune People’s Committee has been completing the detailed planning of Hoang Nong commune tourist attractions with an area of about 103.2 ha in Suoi Chun and Dong Khuan hamlets. Additionally, effective management of the planned areas is being ensured. To create an appealing tourist landscape, the commune is actively engaging and mobilizing community involvement in rearranging tea plantations and tea-growing areas according to the plan. There’s also a push to encourage locals to contribute land and assets to expand road infrastructure, creating favorable conditions for production, goods circulation, tourist attraction, and attracting supportive investments for local development.

Not only in Hoang Nong but also in communes within the planned area like La Bang, Phu Xuyen, efforts are concentrated on improving the quality of tea plants and tea products. Simultaneously, there’s a focus on enhancing the criteria for new rural areas, expanding 6m-wide roads to facilitate goods transportation, prepare for tourism, and boost local economic development. Furthermore, the inter-communal road from Tien Hoi to Hoang Nong is undergoing expansion investment by Dai Tu district. Upon completion, it will provide visitors with easier access to experience the tea hills at the foot of Tam Dao mountain range.

With available potential, methodical planning, specific solutions and the consensus of the people, it is hoped that Dai Tu will be an attractive destination for a large number of tourists when coming to Thai Nguyen.

Thu Ha

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