Thai Nguyen: Ghenh Che lake is recognized as a community tourism destination

(TITC) – The People’s Committee of Thai Nguyen Province issued a Decision to recognize the Ghenh Che lake community tourist site, Binh Son commune, Song Cong city managed by Ghenh Che – Binh Son – Song Cong Community Tourism Cooperative.

Ghenh Che lake community tourist spot is located in Binh Son commune, Song Cong city, 12km from Song Cong city centre and 20km from Thai Nguyen city centre to the south. The lake has natural tourism resources and cultural tourism resources that are favourable for community tourism development. With a total water surface area of over 90 hectares, including 54 islands and peninsulas with alternating hills, Ghenh Che lake brings a peaceful, poetic, attractive scene to tourists to visit and experience.

Besides, Ghenh Che lake has convenient transportation infrastructure, internal roads in hamlets and tourist attractions are all concrete roads, visitors can easily move by many different means such as cars and motorbikes. The lake area currently has 2 parking lots of about 700 square metres, which can basically meet the vehicle parking demands of visitors and tourists. Along with that, the lake also provides a full range of dining, shopping, and accommodation services to meet the demands of tourists…Therefore, in addition to visiting some islands in the Ghenh Che lake area, visitors can connect and organise tours to experience tea nurturing, harvesting, processing, and packaging at cooperatives and traditional tea craft villages as well as relics, grasslands – horse farms…

Based on the potential for developing community eco-tourism in the Ghenh Che lake area as well as ensuring the best service for tourists coming to the lake, the Ghenh Che Community Tourism Cooperative has been established with service groups, including: manage the tour; reservation services and support services for promoting and organising tours; Other accommodation establishments; inland waterway passenger transport; freight inland waterway; transporting road passengers in the inner city and suburbs and trading in other household items… to meet the demands of sightseeing, entertainment, dining and resting of tourists.

Currently, Ghenh Che Community Tourism Cooperative has completed a number of projects to serve welcoming visitors such as: Reception area, parking lot, restaurant, community accommodation, shuttle boats for visitors around the lake. Along with tourism development, the Cooperative also expands the aquaculture model, focusing on raising commercial fish such as grass carp, carp, red tilapia combined with ornamental fish. In addition, the Cooperative also cooperates with a number of residents with natural island landscape and lotus ponds to diversify experiential activities for tourists.

Tourism Information Technology Center

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