Rural tourism a new trend in Yen Bai

Visitors participate in the process of making Shan Tuyet tea when traveling to SuoiGiang commune, Van Chan district

There are many types of rural tourism, but they can be classified into three basic types: community-based tourism, agricultural tourism and eco-tourism. Eco-tourism is based on nature and indigenous culture that remain relatively untouched. Agricultural tourism provides visitors with experience at farms, including farming, and enjoying farm products.
Popular agricultural tourism activities in Yen Bai including visiting terraced fields in the water-pouring and ripening rice seasons in Mu Cang Chai district, visiting Luc Yen orange and Dai Minh pomelo orchards, and enjoying Shan Tuyet tea, a specialty in SuoiGiang commune, Van Chan district.
Meanwhile, community-based tourism is developed on the basis of the cultural values of the community, managed, exploited and benefited by local residents. This type exploits the original features in the community. It started in Yen Bai in 2005 in Ban De hamlet, NghiaAn commune, Nghia Lo town; and has then expanded to other hamlets. Currently, in the province, there are 209 households engaged in community-based tourism business. With many support policies of the locality and efforts of business households, facilities and service quality are increasingly improved.
For eco-tourism, many tourist areas have been formed across the province with some seeing effective operation such as Thac Ba lake, Yen Binh district, hot springs in Tram Tau district, Van lagoon tourist site, and Tran Yen district.
Along with other types of tourism, rural tourism is developed in accordance with a specific roadmap. Accordingly, the provincial People’s Committee promulgated a plan implementing the programme on rural tourism development as part of new-style rural area building in the province by 2025.
In addition, the province set a target that each locality has at least one recognised rural tourism site associated with local advantages in agriculture, culture, craft village or ecological environment. Priority will be given to the development of agricultural and rural tourist sites in association with the orientation of investment in infrastructure in new-style rural building and tourism products with local characteristics.
Attention is being directed to tourism service industries, attracting all economic sectors to invest in infrastructure development, travel services, transportation, accommodation, dining, and entertainment in key tourist areas to meet the needs of tourists.
The province is striving for 100% of tourism sites to be introduced and promoted; 100% of business establishments to be recognised as meeting standards of serving tourists; 50% of recognised rural tourism sites applying digital transformation in product management, business and promotion./.
Thu Hien
Yen Bai Newspaper –

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