Minh Lap Commune People’s Association currently has over 1,300 members, accounting for 97% of the local agricultural households. As a leading commune in building model new rural areas in Dong Hy district, Minh Lap commune has planned production areas focusing on growing peach blossoms, rice and tea. This is a favorable condition for Minh Lap farmers to produce, as well as build brands and enhance product value. But reality shows that people still produce spontaneously, use traditional farming methods, and abuse chemical fertilizers and pesticides…

Mr. Chu Quoc Bao, Chairman of Minh Lap Commune People’s Association, said: “Faced with that situation, the Association has organized many propaganda and advocacy activities to raise awareness for officials and members about safe agricultural product production and linking along the value chain, building production models according to VietGAP and organic standards… In addition, the Association launched the movement “Farmers emulate good production and business associated with production links, ensuring food safety”; mobilize and support members to establish economic association models; organize for members to visit safe, organic production models…”

In order for members to have more knowledge and experience in safe and organic agricultural production, Minh Lap Commune People’s Association has mobilized farmers to participate in classes of training and transfering scientific and technical advances into production. Especially instructions for using microbial fertilizers for plants; Use biological products to prevent pests; Prevent the abuse of growth stimulants, chemicals, antibiotics and banned substances in livestock production. From the beginning of 2023 until now, the Association has coordinated to organize 6 training classes, attracting nearly 500 participants.

Improve the quality of safe agricultural products

Currently, Minh Lap commune has 3 cooperative groups, 9 cooperatives, focusing on tea production, growing peach blossoms, Vai sticky rice

Mr. Ly Van Tu, Binh Ca hamlet, Minh Lap commune, shared: “With more than 1080m2 area of tea, for more than a year now, I have proactively controlled all stages from fertilizing, spraying, renovating to preventing pests through the use of microbial fertilizers and microbial products. With this approach, I have made the most of agricultural waste, ensuring the health of myself and my family, at the same time reducing production costs by 50%. Thanks to that, the quality of tea has been improved, the selling price of tea is 100 thousand VND/kg higher than before”

Currently, Minh Lap commune has 3 cooperative groups, 9 cooperatives, focusing on tea production, growing peach blossoms, Vai sticky rice… Of which, the tea area of Nguyen Viet Tea Cooperative is has been granted a planting area code, 10/50 hectares of raw material areas of this unit are being deployed in an organic direction. Recently, the Commune People’s Council launched a Professional Association for growing and caring for organic fruit trees in Binh Ca hamlet, with 16 members. According to statistics, up to now, about 80% of official members and affiliated households of professional associations, cooperative groups and cooperatives in Minh Lap commune have been producing according to safe and organic direction

Chairman of Minh Lap Commune People’s Council Chu Quoc Bao added: This is an initial result, creating a premise for the commune to continue focusing on guiding farmers to produce, process, and trade agricultural products safely, and build chain link model from production to consumption. In the coming time, we hope to receive more attention from superior associations and specialized units in supporting knowledge and having appropriate mechanisms and policies to encourage the development of organic agricultural production as well as stable output for products. Thereby creating motivation and encouraging people to produce safely and develop sustainably…