Binh Duong: Concentrating on implementing and improving “OCOP” program’s effectiveness

Under the 2023 “One Commune One Product” (OCOP) program, Binh Duong strives to have at least 80 OCOP products recognized with 3 stars or more. Of these, at least 23 products are recognized with 3 stars or more in the communes meeting standards and implementing advanced new-style rural construction and at least 10% of products achieve 4 stars or more.

Creating strong spread

The focus of the “OCOP” Program is to develop agricultural, non-agricultural products and services with advantages in each locality along the value chain, implemented by private and collective economic sectors. After more than 5 years of implementing the program, Binh Duong has so far recognized 88 OCOP products, including 10 products with 4-star standards and 78 products with 3-star standards. The local OCOP products have quickly affirmed their position, been positively received by the market, helping farmers expand their production scale, increase products’ value, thereby contributing to the shift of the local economic restructure and improvement of  people’s income and life. Through the program, many good models, effective and creative ways have been discovered.

Delegates visit a booth displaying typical agricultural products in North Tan Uyen district

However, over the past time, it has been shown that supporting solutions for the subject of OCOP products have not been really received attention, especially to improve management capacity, processing and product commerce. In order to continue effectively implementing the “OCOP” program, provincial People’s Committee has issued the Plan No. 3631/KH-UBND dated July 19, 2023. Accordingly, provincial People’s Committee has requested provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to coordinate with the People’s Committees of districts, towns, cities and relevant departments and agencies to comprehensively implement the contents of the “OCOP” Program for the period of 2021-2025 and 2023 towards improving efficiency; guide localities and units to register, evaluate and classify products in accordance with the “OCOP” program and the plan of provincial People’s Committee.

Solutions synchronized

Provincial People’s Committee has requested all-level Party committees and authorities to direct the synchronous implementation of solutions, mobilize social resources to implement the “OCOP” program in order to uphold the local potential and advantages to foster specialty products with high economic and cultural value. Departments, sectors, People’s Committees of districts, towns and cities determine that the implementation of the program is a regular and key task, contributing to the local socio-economic development.  Based on the functions of the management sector and field, they should advise provincial People’s Committee on effectively implementing the program. On the other hand, they should develop forms of production and business organization in order to promote creativity and community strength in the production of traditional products and services with local advantages in association with community values, develop linkages along the value chain in order to improve production capacity and develop commodity products sustainably.

In addition, they need to promote OCOP products in association with the advantages of each locality; improve the efficiency of product quality assessment, announcement and inspection activities; enhance the capacity of program implementation staff and the quality of OCOP product evaluation and classification at all levels; strengthen training to improve management and marketing capacity for managers and executives of enterprises, cooperatives, production facilities/households; give training on agricultural skills for young people, train laborers  in association with the production needs of OCOP products.

They also need to intensify trade promotion, promote OCOP products, strengthen the connection of the province’s OCOP products with e-commerce platforms; strengthen product quality management, well implement financial support for production facilities participating in the “OCOP” Program while supporting the development of new products, which are the local key and specialty products; encourage production facilities to expand their production scale and apply new machinery, equipment and technologies in production, processing and preservation of products…

The province strives to have at least 30% of OCOP subjects to build up a value chain towards circular economy, green OCOP in association with a stable raw material area, in which priority is given to OCOP products evaluated and graded; get at least 50% of traditional villages with OCOP products, contributing to conserving and developing them. The percentage of trained workers with appropriate degrees and certificates working for OCOP subjects is at least 20%. The province strives to have at least 40% of OCOP subjects being female, get OCOP subjects being ethnic minorities to run production and business activities; reach at least 50% of OCOP subjects participating in modern sales channels; strive to have at least one site of introduction and sale of OCOP products; effectively build and operate a database system, digitizing 100% of OCOP product records and documents, which are evaluated and classified.


Vang Phuoc Hau, Deputy Director of provincial Rural Development Sub-Department: Provincial Rural Development Sub-Department has collaborated with the Digital Transformation Center under Dong Thap provincial Department of Information and Communications  to organize a training conference on grading software for the OCOP program of Binh Duong province for all-level managers and executives who participate in the process of evaluating and classifying OCOP products in Binh Duong province. This conference has aimed at supporting all-level OCOP program managers and executives to comply with the process of evaluating and classifying products with efficiency, quality; making transparency for  participation records while creating conditions for agencies at all levels to keep and transfer records in a systematic way.

Reported by Thoai Phuong-Thao Truc-Translated by Kim Tin

Binh Duong Online Newspaper –

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