An Giang: Tinh Bien strives to build 60 unique local products for tourism

In the past time, from the available advantages, Tinh Bien district has exploited its potentials and strengths to implement the OCOP Program, thereby contributing to creating more driving force for socio-economic development in the locality.

Assessing the current status of product development in the area, the whole district currently has 62 types of products with 178 potential products belonging to 6 industries classified according to Decision 1048/QD-TTg on the set of criteria for product evaluation and classification of “One commune one product” program. In 2022, in terms of developing specific local products for tourism, Tinh Bien district has reviewed and developed 20 specific products (accumulating there are 42/40 specific products, reaching 105%); Regarding OCOP certified products in 2022, there are 04 products with 3-star OCOP and 01 product with 4-star OCOP, increasing by 2 products over the same period.

Some OCOP products in Tinh Bien distr

Accordingly, there are 15 products achieved OCOP certification until now, of which, there are 06 products with 4 stars such as: Vietnamese Jaggery caramel sauce, Jaggery sugar, Jaggery wine 12%, Jaggery nectar of of Tran Gia Regional Specialty Development One member Limited Company. There are 09 3-star products such as: Bach Hoa Thao Ginseng Tea, Salted Ca Na, SM Mineral Water,…

The workshop is always focused on sharing solutions, supporting to remove difficulties in OCOP product development in the district. 

With the goal of building 40 specific local products for tourism, the district strives by the end of 2023 to have 30 products (accumulation) that achieve OCOP certification of 3 stars or more. In the coming time, Tinh Bien district will continue to develop and implement scientific research and development projects, perfect and apply technology in production and trading of OCOP products, especially in application of modern, environmentally friendly technologies; Support organizations, enterprises and business households to invest, renew and transfer technology, improve productivity, product quality and register for protection of intellectual property rights; Trade promotion of OCOP certified products, strengthen the promotion and introduction of products and support the subjects to put products into the circulation and distribution system across the country, especially through ecommerce; Regularly check and maintain product quality to ensure compliance with OCOP certification criteria.

In addition, developing and upgrading the quantity and quality of products to register for the national 5-star OCOP evaluation and classification; Diversifying communication and propaganda activities for regular implementation of the OCOP Program in many forms, integrating with communication activities in the implementation of the National Target Program on building new rural areas./.

News by Nguyen HaoTranslation by Thi Huynh
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