Bac Giang focuses on promoting rural tourism development associated with promoting potential

(TITC) – The People’s Committee of Bac Giang province issued Plan No. 132/KH-UBND on implementing the Rural Tourism Development Program in building new rural areas for the period 2023 – 2025.

Accordingly, the Plan aims to organise and effectively implement the goals and tasks of the Decision No. 922/QD-TTg dated August 2, 2022 of the Prime Minister approving the Rural Tourism Development Program in new rural construction for the period 2021 – 2025. Besides, developing rural tourism to promote the potential and advantages of agriculture, craft villages, traditional culture and natural landscape of Bac Giang province; change the mindset of agricultural production to rural economic development, contributing to the effective and sustainable implementation of new rural criteria. Enhance the attraction of social resources and active participation from local communities to invest in rural tourism development to build and develop the advantages in tourism products, goods and services, contributing to rural economic restructuring, creating on-site jobs, and increasing income for rural workers. Raise awareness of authorities, people and communities at all levels in building and developing the rural tourism economy associated with new rural construction.

The goal of the plan is to promote rural tourism development associated with promoting the potential and advantages of agriculture, craft villages, culture and ecological environment of localities to improve the quality of material life, the spirit of rural people, contributing to restructuring the rural economy towards multi-value integration and sustainable development. At the same time, develop a system of unique, attractive, quality, highly competitive destinations and rural tourism products that meet market demands; promote consumption of rural agricultural products and services in tourism activities.

The plan sets out key tasks including: (1) Upgrade investment in developing rural tourism destinations and community tourism associated with implementing criteria for building new rural areas; (2) Developing regionally specific rural tourism products; (3) Developing quality rural tourism human resources; (4) Communication and promotion of rural tourism; (5) Build a model for developing agricultural, rural and community tourism towards green, responsible and sustainable tourism.

In order to implement effectively, the solutions are: Develop a system of documents directing and guiding rural tourism development; mobilise, integrate and effectively use resources for rural tourism development; propagate, promote and raise awareness about rural tourism; fostering and improving the capacity of rural tourism workers; Applying technology and promoting digital transformation in rural tourism development.

Tourism Information Technology Center

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