Dong Thap focuses on developing agricultural tourism

With great potential and advantages in agricultural tourism development, in recent years, Dong Thap’s agricultural tourism activities have prospered associated with the results of implementing the National Target Program to build new rural areas.

Agricultural tourism in the land of the Red Lotus has many attractive sites such as: Thuan Tan Assembly Hall, Tu Ca Linh Homestay, Frog Flower House, Ecofarm Company’s pear melon greenhouse… These models not only create jobs, improve efficiency and economic value in agricultural production, but also promote the process of building new rural areas.

Besides, Dong Thap also has strengths in producing high-tech ornamental flowers associated with eco-tourism. The ornamental flower industry is one of the five key industries chosen by Dong Thap to implement agricultural restructuring. The province has invested in infrastructure for Sa Dec Flower Village and built a High-tech Agricultural Application Center to conduct research and transfer high-tech application processes in agricultural production. Especially ornamental flower varieties, the process of planting, caring for, harvesting, preserving flowers. On average, each year the Center provides over 200,000-300,000 tissue culture flower seedlings with 16 species.

The province has also reorganized production of ornamental flowers into specialized areas associated with tourism. Currently, 4 cooperatives and 6 association halls have been established to create connections between farmers and businesses.

According to Mr. Le Quoc Dien, Deputy Director of Dong Thap Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dong Thap province has implemented the Sa Dec Cultural and Tourism Village Project associated with new rural construction with an area of about 510 hectares. The project focuses on 2 core areas of Sa Dec Flower Village in 2 clusters Tan Hiep and Tan My, Tan Quy Dong ward with a total implementation budget of nearly VND 600 billion.

In early 2021, Sa Dec City put into operation the Dong Thap Ornamental Flower Trading Center in Tan Khanh Dong commune, with an area of more than 4.2 hectares, contributing to the economic development here.

Ms. Le Thu Hang, manager of Happy Land Hung Thy garden amusement park, in Sa Dec flower village, said: “We create small models for visitors to have fun, divided into 2 miniature landscape models for tourists to take pictures of such as hearts, globes, earth, birds… and one area is for organizing fun folk games. Traditional games we change models every 3 months. There are 12 games such as cycling, monkey bridge, balance walk, pendulum bridge, vibrating bridge, boat swimming, and basket swimming. It’s crowded here on Saturday and Sunday with about 100 guests, and there are many foreign guests from Canada, America, Australia, Malaysia, Philippines…”

Tourism Information Technology Center

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