Ung Hoa (Hanoi) develops tourism associated with craft village experiences and revolutionary history

Ung Hoa District boasts rich cultural traditions and many famous landscapes. The district is home of 68 relics ranked at the national level and 105 relics ranked at the municipal level. Highlights include Duc Thanh Ca Temple, Hoang Xa Communal House, Tram Dang Pagoda, Chong Pagoda, Khu Chay with museums and historical monuments…

21/138 craft villages recognized such as: Chopping incense sticks, vermicelli, textiles, lacquer, bamboo weaving, blacksmithing, pearl inlay… which can be for tourism development. Recently, Quang Phu Cau Incense Village often welcomes young people in Hanoi and international tourists as an emerging tourist destination.

Mr. Nguyen Tien Hoang, Vice Chairman of Ung Hoa District People’s Committee, said that currently there are 2 tourism routes in the district. Route 1, visiting Khu Chay Museum Relics, Dong Tan – Chong Pagoda relics, Dong Temple, Tram Long – memorial area of Cong Hoa hamlet, Vien Temple, visiting and learning about the origin of lute making in Dao Xa village (Dong Lo commune) – Trach Xa Ao dai sewing profession in Hoa Lam commune. Route 2, visiting Truong Son Stick Museum, Hoa Xa commune – landscape of Day River and Duc Thanh Ca temple, Hong Quang commune – Hoang Xa communal house and enjoy Van Dinh duck specialties.

Ung Hoa District focused on building places to experience traditional craft village culture such as experiencing the production process and taking photos of Quang Phu Cau incense sticks, experiencing making Ao dai at Trach Xa garment village and making lotus tea products from Phuong Tu lotus…

According to Mr. Tran Trung Hieu – Deputy Director of Hanoi Department of Tourism, Ung Hoa district has advantages in developing cultural tourism products, agricultural – rural tourism, and ecotourism. The district is located within important tourist routes: Craft village tourism route from Hanoi center; Red River tourist route; Spiritual tourism route connecting Hanoi – Perfume Pagoda – Tam Chuc – Bai Dinh…

Mr. Tran Trung Hieu said, in order to promote tourism development in Ung Hoa district, in the coming time, the Department will coordinate with the district to link products and services by region along the route: Hanoi Center – Thanh Oai – Ung Hoa – My Duc; inter-provincial connection Hanoi – Ha Nam – Ninh Binh.

At the same time, upgrading infrastructure and landscape in the two incense craft villages of Quang Phu Cau and Trach Xa craft village. Exploiting spiritual tourism with the highlight of Duc Thanh Ca Temple combined with Huong Pagoda tourism (My Duc district). Renovating the Truong Son Stick Museum to attract both domestic and international visitors because of its unique historical and cultural value.

In addition, the district will promote agricultural tourism and spiritual tourism, promote OCOP products and cuisine tourism relating to specialties from Van Dinh duck; Noi Xa cake, Hoa Phu cake, Thanh Am rice cake, Quang Nguyen drift cake, Hoang Xa flower porridge.

Tourism Information Technology Center

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