Ben Tre: Discussions on Project of Sustainable development of coastal communities based on ecotourism and applying the philosophy of sufficiency economy

On September 19, 2023, Ben Tre provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism organized an online meeting for discussions with the delegation of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Thailand on the Project “Sustainable development of coastal communities based on ecotourism and applying the philosophy of sufficiency economy.” Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Trung and Deputy Director Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung chaired the meeting.


Delegates attending the meeting. (Photo: Huynh Lam)

At the meeting, Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung provided quick information about Ben Tre’s tourism potential, as well as some effective tourism activity models. In addition, Ben Tre’s cuisine is also very diverse and unique with many dishes made from coconut with strong local cultural identity.

With natural tourism resources and rich cultural traditions, Ben Tre tourism focuses on developing a number of main types of tourism such as: eco-tourism, river and garden tourism, history – culture tourism, community tourism, rural agricultural tourism combined with visiting traditional craft villages; marine tourism combined with sightseeing and learning about the mangrove ecosystem; resort tourism, entertainment, recreation; MICE tourism,…

At the meeting, delegates discussed the importance of the project; Ben Tre’s plans for tourism development and its tourism development potential. Thereby, they proposed and introduced to the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Thailand so that will be a 2-day survey of a number of community tourism models suitable to the goals of the project in Ba Tri, Cho Lach, Thanh Phu, Binh Dai districts in 2 days, expected on September 20 and September 21, 2023.


Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Trung speaking. (Photo: Huynh Lam)

The delegation of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Thailand also shared some experiences in developing tourism and how to promote tourism in Thailand. At the same time, they said that the delegation would come to Ben Tre for a tourism survey and to coordinate the implementation of the project as soon as possible.

Speaking at the end of the meeting, Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Trung said that this was a very meaningful and practical project to develop tourism in Ben Tre province. Besides, there is a combination of cultural exchange and interference between Ben Tre province and other provinces of Thailand. In order for the project to be implemented effectively and practically, after today’s meeting, the delegation will coordinate to conduct field surveys of some tourist destinations in the districts included in the project. After this survey, a very specific plan will be built for the implementation of the project.

Written by Huynh Lam

Translated by Truong Hung – Ben Tre Portal –

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