In addition, there is a savanna forest landscape with typical ponds; swamps and estuaries with grassy wetlands being habitats for migratory water birds and hundreds of species of aquatic animals.

Adding to the scenery of the lagoon and sea are the majestic Bach Ma range up to nearly 1,450m high, Tuy Van mountain associated with Dieu Ngu tower and Thanh Duyen pagoda, Linh Thai peak with traces of Champa temple tower…

Over hundreds of years of gathering, the villages along the Tam Giang lagoon have also gradually built residential landscapes with religious institutions associated with the spiritual life of ordinary people. It is a system of communal houses, pagodas, and temples, especially religious institutions associated with the life of the fishing community, such as: Nam Hai Long Vuong temple, Phong Ba temple (Wind god), tombs and palaces for worshiping Whales, Lang Lai Nhi Dai Tuong Cong temple (worshiping the god of Otter), temple worshiping Xich Long god, Ha Ba temple, Tu Hien seaport god temple, and especially temples worshiping goddesses, such as: temple Dai Can, Thai Duong Phu Temple, Ky Thach Phu Temple, Ba To Temple…

Along with the village landscape, the production activities of the agricultural and fishery communities in the Tam Giang – Cau Hai lagoon also contribute to creating typical landscapes with widespread fish traps and houses on stilts above the water

To preserve products caught from the lagoon (and also at sea), fishermen in the Tam Giang – Cau Hai area have developed seafood processing crafts such as making dried seafood, fish sauce and fish paste with famous locations, such as: Thuan An (Hue City), Phu Thuan (Phu Vang), Tan Thanh (Quang Dien), Hai Nhuan (Phong Dien)… Typical cooking methods for fresh fish and seafood (favoring steaming, boiling, making into salads to preserve the natural flavor) also create a unique culinary tradition of lagoon residents.

Handicrafts for producing fishing gear were also formed to serve fishing activities, such as: weaving nets in Van Trinh (Phong Dien), making bang grass mats in Pho Trach, weaving bamboo boats in Phu Dien (Phu Vang), Quang Cong (Quang Dien), Phong Hai (Phong Dien), Thuy Lap bamboo and rattan weaving craft (Quang Dien). In addition, there is also wine making with famous brands such as Chuon and Phong Chuong villages and melaleuca oil making in Phu Loc.

The most special part of the folk culture of the Tam Giang – Cau Hai region is the religious life and festivals of the community. Almost all villages hold Spring and Autumn ceremonies at the village communal house. The most special is the fishing festival in Hai Nhuan (Phong Hai), Phuong Dien (Phu Dien), An Bang (Vinh An), My A (Vinh Hai), Thai Duong Ha (Thuan An) … Festivals related to Goddess worship beliefs, such as: Ba To festival in Bac Vong village, Lady Thai Duong’s Sacrifice Ceremony…

Associated with the festivals are the transmission of legends, ritual music to worship gods, Ba Trao singing, Sac Bua singing, rhyme telling, euphemism, boat racing festival, wrestling festival, swing festival, boat racing festival; Bai Choi, Bai Doi, Bai Phu singing festivals; Treo Tim, Quan Luoi children’s folk games, …

The elements that make up the folk culture of the Tam Giang – Cau Hai region are important inherent resources and ideal conditions for developing types of tourism such as resort tourism, study-research tourism, eco-tourism, community tourism, cultural experience tourism…

However, folk culture is a specific type of resource, associated with the life of the community. Therefore, turning traditional cultural products into cultural tourism products requires research and caution in doing so. It is necessary to be creative on the basis of tradition, while ensuring that cultural and tourism products do not affect traditional culture.

After 10 years of implementing the Project “Socio-economic development of Tam Giang – Cau Hai lagoon, Thua Thien Hue province until 2020”, to continue to implement goals appropriate to the new period, contributing to build Thua Thien Hue into a centrally governed city in the spirit of Resolution No. 54-NQ/TW, the People’s Committee of Thua Thien province is in the process of building and submitting to the Government a project for socio-economic development of the Tam Giang – Cau Hai lagoon area, Thua Thien Hue province until 2030.

Story: Nguyen Ninh – Photo: Tuan Kiet
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