Quang Nam: Loc Yen fairyland

A typical agricultural product in Tien Phuoc. Photo: cand

Loc Yen ancient village is known for its cool climate all year round and considered a fairyland.

Loc Yen is located in Tien Canh (Fairyland) commune, where there are several famous tourist attractions, such as the Memorial House of Huynh Thuc Khang, and Lo Thung scenic spot. There are also green gardens with different fruits. Each house or each garden is surrounded by a stone fence and a Siamese Acalypha fence.

Loc Yen ancient village was recognised as a national heritage in 2019. It is one of the four ancient villages in Vietnam. It is situated in a beautiful round valley, surrounded by several mountains and forests, including Cam Forest, Da Ban Mountain, Cho Pit, and Gam Forest, rivers, and springs.

A road in Loc Yen village. Photo: cand

People in Loc Yen pay much attention to developing the gardening economy and farm economy associated with ecotourism development.

Going to Loc Yen, visitors cannot help being surprised at the peaceful and poetic scenery there. In Loc Yen, besides the ancient houses dating back hundreds of years, visitors will have chances to enjoy the fruit according to the season, such as Lansium domesticum, mangosteen, durian, and grapefruit.

At the same time, it is a good opportunity for visitors to enjoy local specialties.

A corner of Loc Yen village

Currently, Tien Phuoc has 500 gardens meeting district-level model garden criteria and green, clean, and beautiful criteria; 600 gardens are participating in the value chain effectively.

Loc Yen ancient village is doing and benefiting from the project on building Loc Yen to become a cultural tourism village in the period of 2021-2025, with a vision to 2030. Hopefully, Loc Yen will soon become a typical ecotourism destination in Quang Nam.

Translated by QUYNH THU (Source: CADN)
Quang Nam News – en.baoquangnam.vn

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