Charming beauty of Churu village (Lam Dong province)

Churu is one of the 54 ethnic minority groups in Vietnam. Currently, the Churu people are living in many provinces and cities across the country, mainly in Don Phuong district, Lam Dong province.

 Going through various ups and downs in history, the Churu ethic people have preserved their unique cultural features, reflected in their customs, architecture, cuisine, costumes, folk songs and dances.

At present, the Churu people still reside in villages (known as ‘plei’). Families of the same bloodline often build houses near each other. The dominant relationship in Chu Ru people’s social structure is the matrilineal family with honoring the role of women.

In 2018, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism started the construction of the Churu Cultural Village in Pro commune, Don Duong district, Lam Dong province, to preserve and upholding the cultural beauty of the Churu ethnic group.

The project with a total investment of VND 7 billion was inaugurated in 2020. It is located on a 1.2-hectare pine hill, near Pro Lake.

Visiting a Churu cultural village, tourists have a change to admire traditional houses of the Churu people and typical cultural artifacts, as well as experience festivals featuring the long-standing culture of the Churu people.

The People’s Army Newspaper would like to introduce some photos of the Churu cultural village in Pro commune, Don Duong district, Lam Dong province.

The entrance gate of the Churu Cultural Village

Traditional house of the Churu ethnic people at the Churu Cultural Village

Cultural artifacts of the Churu people on display in the village

Churu women’s jewelry

A visitor at the Churu Cultural Village

A corner of the Churu Cultural Village

Translated by Quynh Oanh

People’s Army Newspaper  –

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