Hà Nội promotes building brands for OCOP products

After more than four years, Hà Nội leads the country in the number of products evaluated and classified under the ‘One Commune One Product’ (OCOP) programme.

At the opening ceremony for introducing OCOP products in Hà Nội City. — Photo

Nguyễn Văn Chí, Deputy Chief of the Standing Office of the New Rural Development Programme Coordination Office in Hà Nội, said that in 2023, 400 OCOP products were evaluated. Overall 26 districts, towns and communes evaluated 544 products, including 20 districts and towns with 104 potential 4-star OCOP products, 50 products were re-evaluated and 54 products evaluated for the first time.

From 2023, OCOP product evaluations require products to have intellectual property certification. To address this, the New Rural Development Programme Coordination Office in Hà Nội has requested the Department of Science and Technology to coordinate with all the districts and towns to implement the certification in order to upgrade Hà Nội’s 4-star OCOP products to potential 5-star products.

After more than four years of implementing the OCOP programme, Hà Nội leads the nation in the number of evaluated and graded products. — VNS Photo

According to recently issued Decision No. 1147/QĐ-UBND, the Hà Nội People’s Committee has approved the evaluation and classification results of 104 4-star OCOP products in 2023 from 32 entities in 20 districts and towns. With 440 3-star OCOP products previously recognised, from 2019 to the end of 2023, Hà Nội has evaluated and classified 2,711 OCOP products, accounting for over 22 per cent of the country’s total. Among these, there are six 5-star OCOP products, 12 potential 5-star products, 1,473 4-star products and 1,220 3-star products.

Despite the large number of OCOP products, the number of products with protected brands remains modest. According to the Hà Nội Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the city has only 40 products granted collective trademarks, such as Vân Đình duck (Ứng Hòa district), Bối Khê rice (Thanh Oai district), Ba Vì hill chicken (Ba Vì district) and Đại Thành longan (Quốc Oai district).

Delegates visit booths displaying OCOP products at the event showcasing products associated with the culture of southern provinces and cities in Mê Linh District. — VNS Photo

Nguyễn Văn Chí believes that building collective trademarks will help cooperatives and farmers change their production methods from traditional to closed-chain, ensuring food safety. Products registered with collective trademarks will be protected and if sold in supermarkets and commercial centres, the prices could be 15 to 20 per cent higher than products of the same type, quality, and design.

Tạ Văn Tường, Deputy Director of the Hà Nội Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, stated that to effectively protect and manage the city’s agricultural and specialty brands, Hà Nội’s agriculture sector needs to continue coordinating with other departments, sectors and localities to build Hà Nội’s distinctive agricultural brands.

In addition to supporting packaging and labeling costs for products with recognised OCOP brands, Hà Nội’s agriculture sector also needs to promote the development of safe, sustainable food supply chain models associated with concentrated planning areas, laying the foundation for building Hà Nội’s agricultural brands.

Hà Nội City recently approved the evaluation and grading results of 104 OCOP products rated 4 stars in 2023, from 32 entities in 20 districts. — VNS Photo

Affirming the role and importance of brand and trademark building and management, Nguyễn Mạnh Quyền, Vice Chairman of the Hà Nội People’s Committee, stressed the need to raise awareness among entities participating in OCOP product development, brand and trademark building and encourage the improvement of product designs and styles.

“Enhancing the transfer and application of science and technology in production and consumption, supporting entities in upgrading OCOP certified products and building brands and trademarks are necessary requirements in the context of an increasingly competitive market and diverse consumer preferences,” Quyền said.
