Cultural preservation associated with tourism development in Kon Plong (Kon Tum)

(TITC) – With the advantage of beautiful natural landscape, cool year-round climate and unique and rich traditional cultural values, in recent years, Kon Plong district, Kon Tum province has promoted its potential and advantages to develop tourism and attract tourists from all over.

Kon Pring community tourism village, Kon Plong district (Photo:

Kon Plong district has a population of over 27,000 people, of which 98% are ethnic minorities. In recent years, the district has paid special attention to the work of preserving and promoting traditional cultural values of ethnic groups, especially propaganda and mobilising people to preserve gongs and provide gongs for villages that do not have them.

Traditional festivals such as: The new rice festival, water trough festival, buffalo barn building festival, and new house festival are restored and preserved by the district. Along with that, artisans and people in the district actively participate in preserving and developing traditional crafts on the spot associated with community tourism development. With potential and advantages in culture and tourism, preserving and developing traditional cultural values of ethnic minorities associated with tourism development is a strength that Kon Plong district is focusing on exploiting. Currently, in the district there are 7 tourist destinations recognized by Kon Tum Provincial People’s Committee. Among them, there are 2 community tourism villages: Kon Pring community tourism village (Mang Den town) and Vi Ro Ngheo community tourism village (Dak Tang commune). The construction of community tourism villages not only contributes to preserving the unique cultural values of local ethnic minorities, but also creates attractiveness and attracts tourists to the locality.

Besides, by developing diverse types of tourism with medicinal products, OCOP and organising many exciting and attractive cultural events and festivals, Kon Plong has attracted a large number of tourists to come and experience. In the first 6 months of 2023, there were more than 660,000 arrivals to Mang Den National Ecotourism Area, revenue from tourism activities was estimated at over VND 132 billion.

It is known that infrastructure for tourism development in the district is increasingly improving, many tourism development projects have been invested and put into operation.

Tourism Information Technology Center

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