Tuyen Quang: Connect tourism with agriculture

Recently, agricultural models linked to tourism have initially been exploited and have brought positive results, both promoting and creating output for agricultural products and creating new attractive tourism products, opens up new and promising directions.

Develop tourism from fruit growing areas

Mr. Dinh Ngoc Quan, Phuc Loc B village, An Khang commune (Tuyen Quang city, Tuyen Quang province) said that in previous years, on an area of 1,000 square meters, his family only grew corn. In a good year, the yield was about 1 ton and brings in an income of about 7 million VND/year. After returning from visiting and studying in Lang Son and Bac Giang, he boldly destroyed the entire corn area to plant nearly 300 seedless Ha Den grapes.

The garden was harvested right at the time when the Covid-19 epidemic broke out, people’s demand for on-site tourism increased, and the number of visitors who knew and came to his garden to check-in was very large. It was from the check-in photos of young people at the vineyard that created a widespread effect on social networks, and his family’s vineyard became known to many people. Thanks to that, the output of seedless Ha Den grapes, whether wholesale or retail, is more favorable. Mr. Quan said: If grapes are well cared for with proper techniques and high yields, they can bring in 5 to 10 times more income than growing corn on the same unit of land.

Tourists check-in at the Ha Den Grape Garden of Mr. Dinh Ngoc Quan’s family, Phuc Loc B village, An Khang commune (Tuyen Quang city)

Visiting the dragon fruit “barn” of the Yen Phu red-flesh dragon fruit production cooperative group (Ham Yen), we couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by the stretching dragon fruit hills. Mr. Do Van Hung, head of the cooperative group, said: the cooperative group started growing dragon fruit in 2016. With 10 members, 7 hectares of hill garden land, the group currently has about 7,000 dragon fruit pillars, with an average yield of about 20 tons/ha/1 year; Harvesting 5 crops a year, with more than a hundred tons of fruit, helps create jobs for 15 regular workers from May to November every year with an average income of 220 thousand VND/person/day. Along with that, the dragon fruit garden also attracted great attention from students of the province’s training classes; tourists from neighboring provinces such as Lang Son, Sa Pa, Hai Phong, Hai Duong, Bac Giang, Quang Ninh and socio-political organizations of the province and district (Youth Union, Women’s Union, Civil Service Association; Association Farmers…) come to visit and learn from experience.

Realizing that the red-flesh dragon fruit garden model in Minh Phu brings high economic efficiency, the province’s rural area development project; KOICA organization (Korea) has supported the cooperative with an automatic irrigation system and lighting system to help dragon fruit grow in the off-season. Mr. Hung said, in the past he used to grow acacia, orange, gardenia… each year only yielding a few tens of millions of dong. Now dragon fruit has taken root in Yen Phu. Every year, with an average selling price of 15,000 VND/kg, minus costs, his cooperative group earns a profit of over 800 million VND/year.

Comrade Vu Van Sy, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Yen Phu commune (Ham Yen) said: Previously, Yen Phu only had 3 households growing fruit in association with tourism development. To date, the entire commune has nearly 10 households developing according to this model. Yen Phu has the advantage of having many farming models following VietGAP standards; model garden model of a prosperous commune, promoting positive effects and good quality of agricultural products. Commune leaders are always interested in and encourage the expansion of this model, both supporting job creation, promoting and solving output problems, improving the value of agricultural products,increase income, promote local economic development.

Exploit tourism potential

Ms. Hoang Thuy Nga, group 7, Phan Thiet ward (Tuyen Quang city) said: She is very excited every time she gets “lost” in the fruit gardens right in her hometown. Every season, you can pick grapes and fresh strawberries by hand, and enjoy the taste of fresh fruit right in the garden; Checking in next to the colorful flower streets, better understanding the clean, safe fruit production process… always gives her a special emotional feeling…

Coming to Tuyen Quang on the occasion of Thanh Tuyen Festival, visitors can visit agricultural tourist attractions Trees and flowers, Hop Thanh commune (Son Duong), experience picking grapefruit and persimmons at Yen Son, check-in and experience tea making in My Lam (Tuyen Quang city)…

To exploit natural advantages, for many years, Mr. Dao Xuan Cuong’s family, Khau Trang village, Hong Thai commune (Na Hang) has created a spectacular change from simply growing agricultural fruits to providing services from the Hong Thai pear flower seasons. His family has an area of 1.4 hectares of hilly garden land. For the past 20 years, he has owned a pear garden with over 100 pear trees. Mr. Cuong said that in recent years, tourists have come to the pear garden all year round, especially on weekends to enjoy the quiet and peacefulness of the cool, green space. To create more highlights for the garden, Mr. Cuong planted additional Thai flowers and wild myrtle flowers. Recently, his family was supported with an automatic irrigation system for the pear garden. Along with that, his family has opened an additional service for tourists to rent traditional costumes of the Dao Tien people, serving to take check-in photos at the garden. In 2022, it brought his family an income of over 100 million VND from taking care of the pear garden associated with tourism development.

However, currently the scale of gardeners is still small and spontaneous, propaganda and promotion work still has many shortcomings, destinations do not have activities to explore, experience,there are no accompanying entertainment and dining services, and no synchronous planning of items serving tourism development. In the coming time, to continue to build unique tourism products, attract more and more tourists to visit and experience, and soon make tourism an important economic sector of the province in the spirit of Resolution No. 29 -NQ/TU dated June 16, 2021 of the Provincial Party Executive Committee, it is necessary for the participation of functional agencies, branches, localities, and units to realize the efforts of the people in planning and developing the garden tourism model, contributing to enriching the province’s tourism products.

Translated by Xuan Dung

Source: baotuyenquang.com.vn

Tuyen Quang Portal – tuyenquang.gov.vn

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