Tourism festival of northwestern provinces to take place in November

Nguyen Van Toan, Vice Chairman of the Hoa Binh People’s Committee, concludes the meeting

The participating provinces consist of Hoa Binh, Phu Tho, Dien Bien, Ha Giang, Lai Chau, Lao Cai, Son La and Yen Bai. The festival is set to take place from November 17 to 19, featuring a wide range of activities, including a presentation contest showcasing outstanding community-based tourism villages, musical performances, a fashion show of traditional ethnic costumes, folk games, a photo exhibition, and a trade fair.

The trade fair is expected to have 22 stalls introducing the villages’ products as well as Hoa Binh’s tourism and One Commune, One Product (OCOP) goods, among others.

At the meeting, delegates discussed preparations in terms of finance, infrastructure conditions, venues, security and order maintenance, traffic safety, and communications.

In his concluding remarks, Toan emphasised that this will be an important event aimed at promoting and introducing the tourism and culinary potential as well as the image of Hoa Binh and other northwestern provinces, attracting domestic and international tourists. This contributes to the preservation of traditional cultural values of ethnic groups, honours the tourism villages, and expands cultural exchanges among ethnic communities, and promote sustainable tourism development.

He suggested that preparations should be carried out urgently to ensure a well-organised festival. All relevant agencies must develop and implement plans in accordance with their assigned tasks.

Hoa Binh newspaper –

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