An Giang: Building a tourism pilot project “Colorful raft village at the confluence of Chau Doc river”

A corner of the raft village at the confluence of the Chau Doc River

On May 15, the People’s Committee of An Giang province said that the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee had just signed a decision approving the economic – technical report on construction investment of the project “Colorful raft village at the confluence of Chau Doc River”. The investment objective of the project is to create specific products to serve tourists and promote the unique features of the raft village with the construction investment scale of 165 rafts. Accordingly, paint 161 rafts according to the status and 4 unpainted ones, each raft house will be painted one color, in turn the color order is red – yellow – orange – green – blue – purple. The project has a total investment of more than 2.4 billion VND from the provincial non-business capital, invested by the Trade and Investment Promotion Center of An Giang province, the implementation schedule is from 2021 to 2023.

Mr. Nguyen Trung Hieu, Director of the Provincial Investment and Trade Promotion Center, the project is located in Phuoc Tho and Ha Bao 2 hamlets, Da Phuoc town, An Phu district, stretching 1,170m. According to Mr. Nguyen Trung Hieu, Chau Doc Rafting Village stretches from the confluence of Chau Doc River to the headwaters of Hau River and Chau Doc River in An Phu district, which is a famous freshwater fish farming place of An Giang province in particular and the West in general.

This is a unique tourist destination that has developed in recent years. When the project is completed, it will create a unique and unique landscape of the Mekong Delta, due to the topography looking down from above, there will be interwoven colors connecting, creating a colorful landscape, which is the unique highlight of the river confluence area viewed from many directions. On the other hand, when invested with colored lights at night, it will create a shimmering raft village reflecting in the water. This will be an ideal place for visitors to enjoy and take check-in photos.

Besides, Da Phuoc town is also famous for the Cham village Da Phuoc formed about 120 years ago, where there are EHSAN Cathedral and SUNNAH Cathedral are 2 unique architectural works, built and restored very spaciously. It’s a place of religious activities of the Cham ethnic community. Visitors can go by boat from Chau Doc or take a car to Da Phuoc town then get off the boat to visit the rafting village. Experience the village life of the people, the way people do aquaculture in the raft, experience the river environment. Then visitors visit Cham village, mosque, see the traditional brocade weaving of the Cham people, experience life with the people here.

Along with that, other potential economic effects such as the social environment will be improved and enhanced in the future; The gradual increase of the people’s economy will create a trend of “stimulation-demand” to promote the development of other economic sectors such as: trade and services; Distribution circulation and regional and local cash flow increased rapidly after the development of manufacturing enterprises and increased revenue. . . ./.

Article by Phuong Nam

Translated by Kim Ngan

An Giang Province’s Portal –

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