Hanoi’s agricultural product fair underway in Soc Son

The opening ceremony of the Hanoi Agricultural Product Festival in Soc Son District.

Similar events were already held in Dong Anh District and Ba Vi District, with the next scheduled to take place in Dan Phuong District.

The Soc Son event features 160 display booths with more than 1,500 different products of Soc Son, Hanoi and 23 other provinces and cities throughout the country.

In his opening address, Soc Son Vice Chairman Do Minh Tuan highlighted agriculture, services and tourism as the strengths of Hanoi’s northernmost district.

He noted that to develop intensive and organic agriculture, the district needs to take various measures, including placing a focus on the One Commune One Product programme since it is a mark of safe and quality products.

During the fair, which will run until October 1, Soc Son Province will organise performances of the rituals of the Giong Temple Festival, which was inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

There will be also a wide variety of other events such as a rice cooking contest, a demonstration on the making of rice figurines and lion dance performances.


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