Quang Nam: Tourism potential in a herbal region

Foreigners visiting Nam Tra My district 

This is an opportunity for the district to develop medical tourism services thanks to the reputation of Ngoc Linh ginseng national treasure.

Going to Nam Tra My district, visitors may have chances to take part in the monthly ginseng and medicinal herb fair, Ngoc Linh ginseng festival, Tak Ngo ginseng garden, places for producing and displaying OCOP products.

Going to the ginseng region is an opportunity for travellers to test their health and to experience the medicinal values of Ngoc Linh ginseng.

To arrive at ginseng gardens, visitors are required to get over high mountains of Truong Son Range. The fresh and cool air there helps visitors relax.

Concurrently, visitors also have chances to experience healthcare services form folk remedies related to Ngoc Linh ginseng and other medicinal herbs.

Visitors to a Ngoc Linh ginseng nursery

Nam Tra My district has built a plan for tourism development based on the advantages of Ngoc Linh ginseng, medicinal herbs, natural and cultural values.

At the same time, the district also encourages businesses and local residents to invest not only in Ngoc Linh ginseng and medicinal herbs but also in infrastructure and facilities for tourism services.

Quang Nam online newspaper – en.baoquangnam.vn

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