Picturesque organic citrus garden of 2023 Outstanding Vietnamese Farmer from Bac Giang

Owner of the largest green skin grapefruit garden in Luc Ngan district

Nguyen Van Huu (born in 1973) owns an orange and grapefruit garden of more than 10 hectares. In the garden, he planted various variety of citrus fruit trees such as green grapefruit, sweet grapefruit, pink grapefruit, yellow flesh oranges and sweet oranges in separate areas.

In early July 2023, Huu’s family’s citrus garden is recognized by the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Bac Giang province as Hoa Qua Son eco-tourism destination

Thanks to organic cultivation, his green-skin grapefruit garden is always lush and green, producing quality fruits with good looking. While lychees are grown on all the surrounding hill gardens, it was not easy for Huu to switch to grow oranges and grapefruits. After several visits to citrus farms, he finally decided to order green-skinned grapefruit varieties from Ben Tre to grow organically from the beginning stage.

So far, his citrus garden of over 10 year olds has been one of the garden with the best quality in Luc Ngan district. The 2022 season brought him 300 tons of fruits, meaning a revenue of 5.3 billion VND or profit of 3.5 billion VND excluding the production cost.

Huu’s citrus farming model creates on-site jobs for 8 to 14 members, farmers and children of member households as well as local farmers with an average income of 6 million VND per person per month.

Opening path to develop community experience tourism

Taking advantage of the beautiful orchard and convenient transportation, the district introduces Huu’s family’s citrus gardens as an attractive tourist destinations. He has cooperated with gardeners in the commune to organize tours and welcome hundreds of groups of tourists to visit and experience the lychee and grapefruit flowering and harvesting seasons.

In 2021, Thanh Hai Agricultural Production and Trading Cooperative (Thanh Hai Cooperative) was founded and Nguyen Van Huu was elected Director. Along with growing citrus trees, Thanh Hai Cooperative also develops community eco-tourism.

“Thanh Hai Cooperative has 10 members with a total cultivation area of about 40 hectares of oranges and grapefruits. The output in 2023 is estimated to reach over 500 tons of fruits,” Huu expressed.

He said the development of community ecotourism also helps gardeners introduce and consume many orange and grapefruits. In particular, visitors can directly buy trees, harvest and enjoy ripe and delicious oranges and grapefruits. These are truly new, interesting and unforgettable experiences for visitors.

The tourist welcome season starts from solar November until the Lunar New Year. Particularly, the garden receives hundreds of tourists at weekends.

To meet the needs and serve tourists better, his family invested more than 2 billion VND to renovate the walkway, plant flowers on both sides of the road, build a two-story stilt house with a kitchen and a rest area.

Nguyen Van Huu guides visitors to experience the fruit garden

In early July 2023, Huu’s family’s citrus garden was recognized by the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Bac Giang province as Hoa Qua Son eco-tourism destination.

Besides, Huu also enthusiastically shares his farming experience with many other households, actively contributes funds to build new rural areas and participates in the movement of all people to protect national security.

He received many Certificates of Merit from the Chairman of Bac Giang Provincial People’s Committee for his outstanding achievements in implementing the patriotic emulation movement; production and business, unite to help each other get rich. In 2023, Nguyen Van Huu was voted by the Central Vietnam Farmers’ Association as one of the 100 excellent Vietnamese Farmers.


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