Tuyen Quang: Developing tourism products from the strengths

Currently, many localities in Tuyen Quang province, where possesses traditional craft village, contributes to the formation of specific tourism products such as: Tea village in Son Duong district; Brocade weaving villages in the district of Lam Binh, Ham Yen, Chiem Hoa, Na Hang and Yen Son; wooden furniture village in Tuyen Quang city, etc.

Each locality needs to promote and enhance the available products and local strengths, focus on promoting the building of brands associated with famous landmarks and legends to turn it into a typical product of the locality.

In order to develop tourism products in a sustainable way, the Provincial People’s Committee has also just issued a project to develop typical tourism products in the period of 2023-2030, contributing to economic and labor restructuring, creating jobs, increasing incomes for local people; and promoting tourism to soon become an important economic sector of the province soon.

Phuong Dong


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