Yen Bai develops OCOP products for export

At a ceremony to export OCOP products to the UK market

The province has fully tapped local resources and socio-cultural identities, along with applying modern techniques and processing technologies, to create diverse and quality OCOP products, helping to improve the value of local agricultural products.

By the end of 2023, as many as 234 local OCOP products were certified, including 25 products rated four stars, and 209 three-star ones.

The province’s OCOP programme has been expanded and involved 127 enterprises, cooperatives, and business establishments and households.

Businesses and cooperatives have expanded production, focused on improving the quality of goods, and gradually built brands for local products. Many products have been known to consumers in and outside the province. Many products such as Suoi Giang Shan Tuyet tea, Seng Cu Muong Lo rice, Bat Tien Tran Yen tea, Gioi Phien vermicelli, and Luc Yen red-skinned peanuts have been ordered by many businesses and people as gifts or items used on holidays.

Not only conquering the domestic market, Yen Bai’s OCOP products have been exported, opening new directions for consumption.

For Bao Hung High Quality Green Tea Production Cooperative in Tran Yen district, the OCOP programme has become a “key” for the unit to change its production and business orientations.

According to the director of the cooperative, the establishment produces three products from tea. The cooperative grows tea on an area of 63 ha, with an output of 20 tonnes per year.

Its OCOP-certified products have contributed to improving the quality and value of the products, offering chances for the cooperative to introduce products in more markets.

Notably, the cooperative recently exported the first batch of sample tea products weighing 72kg to the UK. Fresh and dried tea products must ensure standards of quality and food hygiene and safety of partners. This gives the cooperative a good opportunity and motivation to promote and expand the markets.

Last year, the provincial Department of Quality Management of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries collaborated with RYB joint Stock Company to introduce and sell over 30 key products, specialties, and OCOP products of Yen Bai to European markets. Initially, eight products were selected for exporting to the UK market, including: Phuong Nhung cinnamon tea, Bao Hung green tea, Shan Tuyet tea buds, Shan Tuyet red tea, Gioi Phien vermicelli, Quy Mong commune’s vermicelli, and Hoa Cuong cinnamon.
This shows that the province boasts great potential to export its farm produce, especially to markets with high requirements for food quality and safety.

Van Thong

Yen Bai Newspaper –

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