Dien Bien strives to have more than 250 potential products to build OCOP by 2030

The One Commune One Product (OCOP) program was identified by Dien Bien province as a direction to help develop high-quality agricultural commodities; and at the same time promote advantages to improve productivity and value of local crops and livestock. Thereby, creating a “resilience” to bring agricultural products to large markets at home and abroad.


Dien Bien has 56 OCOP products, of which 52 products are 3-star and 4 products are 4-star

 Dien Bien province has 56 OCOP products, of which 52 products are 3-star and 4 products are 4-star; about 85-90% are main agricultural products and typical agricultural products of localities and ethnic groups. Typically: Dien Bien rice, Tua Chua tea, Muong Ang coffee, Tia Dinh zucchini, Muong Cha pineapple…

It shows that the province is prioritizing the development of OCOP products based on local characteristics and advantages; at the same time, people also have the advantage of knowledge and production experience for many years. OCOP products of the province are built by the units to build a system of packaging, labels, stamp traceability clearly, and at the same time organize to promote and sell products in many major domestic markets.

According to Dien Bien OCOP Product Scheme for the period of 2021-2025, with a vision to 2030, Dien Bien has more than 250 agricultural and non-agricultural products that have the potential to be built into OCOP products. In particular, the province will focus on building OCOP products in the field of tourism – services, suitable to the advantages of each locality./.

Source: dienbientv.vn

Dien Bien Portal – dienbien.gov.vn

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