Ca Mau province strives to upgrade OCOP products to 5 stars

Recently, the One Commune One Product (OCOP) program has taken place strongly, attracting many subjects with potential products to participate, currently, Ca Mau province only has 3 – 4 star products, there are no 5-star products. To continue promoting and spreading the improvement of OCOP products, Ca Mau province implemented many solutions to upgrade OCOP products from 4 stars to 5 stars. Thereby, it contributes to affirm the position and brand of key products, specialty products, and local characteristics.

If recognized as a 5-star OCOP product, it will open up many new opportunities for the entity, because this is a typical product, has high quality standards and meets the conditions for export

According to Decision No. 148/QD-TTg dated February 24, 2023, of the Prime Minister promulgating a set of criteria and procedures for evaluating and classifying program products, one product per commune, total evaluation score for each product. The maximum product is 100 points and is divided into five classes. In particular, the 5-star rating has a total average score of 90 to 100 points, is a typical product, has high quality standards and meets the conditions for export. The 4-star rating has an average total score of 70 to less than 90 points. It is a typical product that meets quality requirements and has good market access, with the potential to upgrade to the 5-star rating. The 3-star rating has an average total score of 50 to less than 70 points. It is a unique product with stable management and trade, and can be upgraded to a 4-star rating.

By the end of 2023, Ca Mau province had 32 products recognized with 4 OCOP stars. This is an important premise for OCOP products in the province to continue to affirm their quality, prepare the conditions to upgrade to 5 stars, and be ready to serve other potential markets around the world. Accordingly, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has coordinated with localities to review and select potential products. In the spirit of volunteerism, in accordance with the conditions and capabilities of the subjects, the Agriculture sector and localities propagate and mobilize subjects to register to upgrade their products. At the same time, they guide the criteria and steps to be taken so that localities have a basis for choosing suitable potential products. Now, there are 09 products/06 entities that are actively preparing the necessary documents and conditions to upgrade from 4 stars to 5 stars. In order to promote the upgrade process, recently, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee assigned and directed departments, branches and localities to carry out the task of supporting the upgrade of OCOP products to 5 stars in the province in 2024.

Products eligible for upgrade are urgently working with departments, branches and localities to complete the criteria and meet product export standard requirements

Implementing the assignment of the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, the Department of Science and Technology is in charge of guiding international standards on export markets, so that subjects can complete related procedures and evidence. Ensure detailed product information on labels and packaging according to regulations such as nutritional ingredients, nutritional value, most effective way to use the product, etc. Support subjects to complete certification procedures trademark protection. The Department of Industry and Trade supports and creates conditions for subjects to access industrial promotion capital through industrial promotion projects to support modern machinery and equipment. Thereby, creating conditions to improve production capacity, quality, and increase product production scale. In addition, departments and branches implement many trade promotion programs to promote linkages, promote and introduce products in many forms to potential markets.

The noni juice product of SK NONI Production and Trading Co., Ltd. (Loi An commune, Tran Van Thoi district) has qualified for 4-star OCOP certification in 2023. Recently, the product has participated in many activities. promoting trade and generating many export contracts to a number of European countries. With a proactive raw material area, with an area of more than five hectares and purchasing noni raw materials from neighboring local households. Currently, the company’s production scale has increased by 100%, revenue is 40% higher because compared to before, it basically meets the requirements for exporting products.

Noni juice products of SK NONI Production and Trading Co., Ltd. (Loi An commune, Tran Van Thoi district) participate in the 5-star OCOP upgrade in 2024.

To ensure the conditions for achieving 5-star OCOP certification, Mr. Khuu Van Chuong, Director of SK NONI Production and Trading Company Limited (Loi An commune, Tran Van Thoi district), enthusiastically said: “Currently, noni juice products has qualified with some criteria of 5 star OCOP. There are a few other export criteria that are continuing to be improved. SK NONI Production and Trading Co., Ltd. is urgently expanding its scale, investing in machinery and equipment to serve production according to more advanced and modern processes, meeting the requirements of the set of criteria. Before participating in the OCOP 5-star upgrade, noni juice products had business contracts with some countries such as Germany, participated in exhibitions at exhibitions in Thailand, Korea, and China and were Many consumers like it and receive it well. However, these are just individual contracts. Hopefully after achieving 5-star certification, with the guidance and support of agencies and units, Ca Mau province’s noni juice products will be exported to new potential markets, in larger quantities”.

Mr. Nguyen Van Quan, Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, said: “According to Decision 928/QD-UBND, dated May 9, 2024 of the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee on assigning departments, branches and localities to carry out the task of supporting upgrading OCOP products to 5 stars in the province in 2024 – 2025, departments, branches and localities according to their assigned tasks have been planned, coordinate with local authorities and entities to implement professional tasks. In particular, focus on guiding and supporting subjects to complete the criteria to ensure requirements for expanding factory scale, equipping modern machinery and production equipment; advanced production process; packaging and design are beautiful and scientific, providing necessary product information; complete all necessary certifications according to export standards; etc. It can be said that upgrading an OCOP product from 4 stars to 5 stars is a process that helps the subject elevate the product. Because these are typical products, have high quality standards and meet the conditions for export. Therefore, with the companionship of departments, branches and localities, the subject must make every effort and high determination to perfect and perfect the product, so as to be able to serve many demanding customers. In addition, through the process of upgrading OCOP products this time, it will be a premise and create motivation for other entities to continue trying, making necessary preparations, and affirming product quality to upgrade in the future”.


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