Adjusting the time to organize the Shrimp Festival and OCOP Product Connection Forum in the Mekong Delta in 2023

The Chairman of the Ca Mau Provincial People’s Committee has just issued an official dispatch directing the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to adjust the time for organizing the Shrimp Festival and the OCOP Product Connection Forum in the Mekong Delta in 2023.

The OCOP Product Connection Forum in the Mekong Delta 2023 is a space to connect, exchange, share and cooperate in the production, promotion and trade of OCOP products

Implementing the instructions of the Provincial Party Secretary at the Provincial Party Standing Committee meeting on October 25, 2023 on changing the time of organizing the Shrimp Festival and the OCOP Product Connection Forum in the Mekong Delta 2023 (from December 10 to December 13, 2023) and Decision No. 4364/QD-BNN-VPDP dated October 24, 2023 of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development promulgating the Plan to organize the OCOP Product Connection Forum in the Mekong Delta 2023, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee assigned the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to preside and coordinate with relevant departments, branches, units and localities to review the time to organize activities in the framework program for organizing the Shrimp Festival in Official Dispatch No. 7712/UBND-NNTN dated September 30, 2023 of the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee and Decision No. 4364/QD-BNN-VPDP dated October 24, 2023 of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. Thereby, advising the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee to report to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and adjust the time to organize related activities in the province’s framework program, reporting to the Provincial People’s Committee before October 31, 2023.

According to the plan to organize the OCOP Product Connection Forum in the Mekong Delta 2023 issued with Decision No. 4364/QD-BNN-VPDP dated October 24, 2023 of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, the OCOP Product Connection Forum in the Mekong Delta 2023 is organized in conjunction with the Ca Mau Shrimp Festival into an event: Ca Mau Shrimp Festival and the OCOP Product Connection Forum in the Mekong Delta 2023; from December 13 to December 16, 2023 (scheduled to open at 8:00 p.m. December 13, 2023), at the Central Square of Ca Mau province.

The connection forum for OCOP products in the Mekong Delta 2023 is organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ca Mau Provincial People’s Committee and provinces in the Mekong Delta, with main contents such as: Organization exhibition and commercial display space for the shrimp industry and OCOP products (display space for OCOP products in Vietnam; exhibition space for OCOP products in the Mekong Delta provinces and other localities across the whole country; exhibition and commercial display space for the shrimp industry); seminars, conferences and other events of the forum such as: Conference connecting OCOP products with commercial systems; contest “Typical OCOP products at the OCOP Products Connection Forum in the Mekong Delta 2023”.

The annual OCOP Product Connection Forum in the Mekong Delta is a series of events to enhance cooperation and connectivity between provinces and cities in the Mekong Delta region, between the Mekong Delta region and central ministries, branches and other localities across the country, as a basis to boost and promote the potential of OCOP products in the Mekong Delta region.

The OCOP product connection forum in the Mekong Delta 2023 will be held in Ca Mau province to promote, introduce and build impressive images, characteristics, potential and strengths of OCOP products, agricultural and rural tourism, contributing to enhance the image and cultural value of the Mekong Delta region.

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