Phu Yen province: Building OCOP aligns with the product story

With the aim of building a unique product system imbued with cultural values and characteristics of the land, the people of “xứ Nẫu”, the province, and localities encourage production entities to pay attention to building a product story when participating in the One commune one product Program OCOP.


The product story of cereal products belonging to the business household of Ms Nguyen Thi Quynh Nhu (Tuy An district) is highly appreciated by the OCOP Council of Tuy An district in terms of content as well as the message to convey, worthy of meeting the 3-star OCOP standard

Many product stories have convinced customers in making decisions to use the product, thereby contributing to market development and increasing competition for OCOP products.

Ha Trung beef dried in the sun products of Ha Trung Trading and Production Co., Ltd. (Son Hoa district) are an example. In 2022, when submitting her application for OCOP product evaluation, Ms Nguyen Thi Ha, this company director, took ideas from her childhood associated with buying and selling in the remote villages of her grandmother to write a product story.

Ms Ha said: “In the past, the roads were difficult to travel; therefore, her grandmother often slept at night with ethnic minorities. In the story of trading and exchanging goods by the stilt house fire, people often take beef dried in the sun and store it on the smoking shelf to grill and treat guests. Thanks to learning how to store beef, my grandmother started making dried beef products in 1954. Absorbing her fortune, I have successfully made the Ha Trung beef brand with a variety of products made from beef that are popular with consumers”.

The product story accounts for 10/100 points of the scale when evaluating and rating OCOP. As a result, in addition to being guided by the functional sector in the process of dossiers and procedures such as consulting to complete production and business plans, developing environmental protection plans, self-declaration of product quality, design of labels and packaging, upgrading and improving products, etc., writing a story about the product is quite important when participating in the OCOP Program. “A product story is a brand story. The compelling and authentic story will make customers enter their minds, inculcate in their minds, and buy that product,” comrade Nguyen Duc Thang said, Head of Rural Development Department.

According to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the province currently has 181 recognized OCOP products, including 9 4-star products and 172 3-star products. Many subjects, after participating in the OCOP Program, have renovated their thinking and production methods, boldly invested in machinery, and applied science and technology to make quality products with high added value.

However, in 2023, the OCOP Program faced numerous difficulties and obstacles as a result of changes in the central policy mechanism, as reflected in Prime Minister’s Decision 148 promulgating a set of criteria and procedures for product evaluation and grading, clearly decentralizing the evaluation and classification of 3-star OCOP products to districts and cities and 4-star classification to the province. This is one of the basic difficulties of being able to increase the number of OCOP products in the whole province in the coming time because the district level has a limited budget for investment in product evaluation.

Ms Tran Thi Guong in Son Thanh Tay commune (Tay Hoa district), the subject has 3 products that have just been recognized as OCOP 3 stars, shared: “For the first time participating, I was quite embarrassed to carry out procedures and documents, especially to build a product story. However, thanks to the timely attention and support of the locality and the department, I have grasped in detail all inadequacies and shortcomings, thereby quickly overcoming them so that my family’s products can reach the maximum score “.

“In the coming time, in order for Phu Yen OCOP products to establish a strong foothold in the market, the provincial agriculture sector will continue to coordinate with branches and localities to continue propagating and supporting subjects to exploit and upgrade products to dominate the consumption market; at the same time, promoting trade promotion to stabilize outputs for products”, Mr Nguyen Trong Tung affirmed, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Director.

Source: Phu Yen Newspaper

Translated by Hai Loan

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